Meet My Ambiguity


Meet My Ambiguity

Some people look at me and wonder
About my racial pedigree
Others assume they can decode
The riddle of my ancestry
There are those who like to guess
Based on what they think they see
A few folks feel the need to challenge
The ingredients in my recipe
Some even have the nerve to argue
Like they’re some kind of authority
There are those speaking from
Self-proclaimed superiority
Some can’t decipher race from
Ethnicity or nationality
Each new pair of eyes brings
Unpredictable inquiry
These are just the facts of life
When you present ambiguously
Life as a human question mark
Comes with its own complexity
What folks wonder, ask, or think I am
Reveals more about them than about me
Like the Rorschach inkblot test
Lets me peep their psychology
I understand some feel confused
I get the curiosity
Still, it’s a lot to live each day
Under constant scrutiny
This skin, this hair, these features
Don’t compute conveniently
Some don’t know how to relate
Til I’m in a category
And when I spill outside the lines
Assigned by this society
And present a greater spectrum
Than the one-two binary
I’m suddenly a conundrum
Challenging supremacy
Go ‘head and blame my Ancestors
For alla this audacity
I always strive to honor them
By repping inclusivity
Though my perplexing appearance
Can make some people jittery
Like I’m somethin’ to be solved
They’ve got to find the answer key
There is no easy explanation
For this physicality
My mere existence jacks the norms
And codes as very contrary
Created to break a few rules
And defy some boundaries
But for the record, let me state
Regardless of what people see
I’ve always known where I belong
I feel no ambiguity
I’ve never not been crystal clear
About this here identity
And other folks’ ideas
Don’t rattle my reality
We’ll challenge each other til the day
We see everyone’s full humanity
Til then, I’ll flaunt MY definitions
and proclaim, ‘This is WHO — not what — I be!’
Copyright © TaRessa Stovall on Celebrating, Inspiring, Valuing & Mentoring the Mixes and Mashes.
