‘Go back to Africa!’ Half-black beauty blogger, 24, faces racist abuse in China.

‘Go back to Africa!’ Half-black beauty blogger, 24, faces racist abuse in China amid rising discrimination against Africans during coronavirus pandemic


A half-black, half-Asian beauty blogger has been racially abused by Chinese internet users because of her African origin amid rising discrimination against black people in China during the coronavirus crisis.

Supporters of the contestant, who has over 31,000 followers on her Chinese Twitter-like Weibo, have been leaving Ms Zhong positive messages in a response to the racial attacks.

One commenter wrote: ‘Sister, don’t care about the trash. You are so beautiful! I fell in love with you at first sight. Keep going!’

Another one read: ‘A bunch of grown-up men to attack a girl because of her skin tone is utterly shameful.’

As China prepares for a second wave of COVID-19 cases to hit their cities, black people living in the country said they’ve been discriminated against and faced racism, particularly in the southern city Guangzhou.

A U.S. Embassy security alert on Saturday said that ‘police ordered bars and restaurants not to serve clients who appear to be of African origin,’ and local officials have launched mandatory testing and self-quarantine for ‘anyone with ‘African contacts’.’

